Saturday, June 22, 2013

My Juliet

Dearest Luv,
   Two Thousand three hundred and seventy six days ago, my eyes caught an angel. It has captured her like a Kodak and ran her image million times in my head. Cupid has struck me with his arrow perfectly. The arrow had your name dear. You are the answer to my prayers; a gift from the heaven above.
 In you, I found my other half; the better half that I had yearned to see for a long time. You are the destination of my life’s journey and I do not wish to travel any farther without you. We shall journey together till the end.
        The journey so far has been great. We had to travel on bumpy roads at times but we came out strong. Our strength is our ability to understand each other. The foundation of our relationship is rooted deeply in mutual trust, respect and understanding. These are the fuel that will keep the fire of love burning.
Our fate has been kind and the karmic connection unquestionably strong. The invisible string of fate has bound us well. I hope the string would bind us together in our coming lives too. I shall always be your Romeo.

                                                      Yours Alys,